Carbon Accounting
Carbon Accounting Carbon Accounting
Retail Industry

Carbon Accounting

The Digital Approach to Contract Carbon Footprints

Reducing net carbon through the digitization of business practices serves the added benefit of lowering operational costs and freeing up funds to pay for carbon offsets and RECs. WNS, in partnership with our carbon footprint experts, plans to offer an end-to-end path with a goal of helping our clients achieve both carbon neutrality for the health of the environment, while maintaining fiscal neutrality for the health of their businesses.

  • WNS will work to determine the level of granularity desired by companies in assessing their customers’ carbon footprint (that is, segmented templates or customer-specific information)
  • Based upon the conclusions from the above discussions WNS will:
    • Deploy analytics on the customer base to identify likely early adopters
    • Co-create messaging to be delivered to the identified customers
    • Design and execute the omni-channel marketing strategy
    • Enroll and manage participating customers
    • Measure carbon reductions achieved though EE, and procure and retire all required offsets / RECs for consumers enrolling in programs for further carbon reduction
    • Collect and report all data related to the resulting carbon reductions through a BI dashboard