WNS Agilius - Cloud Based Integrated Analytics Platform | WNS
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WNS Agilius

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A Cloud-based, Integrated Analytics Platform to Refine and Accelerate the 'Data-to-Insight' Journey

Harnessing the Unified Force of Domain, Data, Analytics and Technology

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As an organization aiming for smarter and winning decisions at all levels, your data is pivotal for the sharp competitive edge you seek – across your industry.

You need to combine data from different sources to arrive at a single source of truth. You should be able to explore and analyze data, contextualize it, and unearth insights and opportunities – anytime and anywhere.

Harnessing the Unified Force of Domain, Data, Analytics and Technology

Your search for a complete and unified platform for data-driven accuracy in decisions and actions ends here.

WNS Agilius seamlessly integrates the power of synchronized data and analytics to impact business outcomes across domains. ‘Data-to-insight’ journeys have never been simpler, faster, more unified or accurate.


WNS Agilius – A unified, cloud-based and self-serve business intelligence analytics platform powered by the best of big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics


WNS Agilius lets you access, gather and analyze data, and extract insights on a single collaborative platform accessible across multiple devices

Get a uniform, simplified and comprehensive view of all data. Leverage AI-driven contextualization generated from varied data sources for a single view of relevant and accurate insights. Uncover hidden anomalies, problems and opportunities.

Get the advantage of self-service capabilities for easy and customized deployment. Achieve ‘on-the-go’ access and real-time collaboration across multiple channels and devices – with enhanced user experience through interactive dashboards and self-serve analytics.

Embedded domain knowledge to transform data into meaningful business intelligence

WNS Agilius is underpinned by an extensive library of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that span industries and is based on our rich domain expertise garnered through years of servicing multiple Fortune 500 companies. This enables speedy and data-enabled insights and actions for enhanced business performance.


WNS Agilius facilitates real-time collaboration and decision-making, and its modular architecture drives agility and scalability in data management.


Understanding How WNS Agilius Works

Enables Data Assimilation

Enables data assimilation, integration, exploration, visualization and advanced analytics on a single platform

  • Integrates seamlessly with multiple data sources

  • Unifies, cleanses and enriches data for compelling and holistic insights

  • Leverages deep domain knowledge with plug-and-play industry-specific metrics

  • Analyzes data with user-friendly interactive dashboards

Creates Data Correlation

Creates data correlation to arrive at a single source of truth

  • Forecasts and decodes key trends using advanced analytics

  • Uncovers hidden anomalies, problems and opportunities

  • Discovers micro patterns

  • Benchmarks against competition and industry standards

  Presents Insights Self-serve

Presents insights with self-serve capabilities, enhanced user experience and ‘on-the-go’ access

  • Deep dive into data utilizing intuitive and interactive dashboards with rich features

  • Achieve versatile reporting capabilities - PDFs, Excel, Word and image files

  • Access compelling visualizations and actionable insights on multiple devices


Features and Benefits

Seamless Integration Data

Seamless Integration of Data from Disparate Sources

Users get a holistic view of business performance across all domains – and specific to every domain. On-the-go annotation and sharing features enable real-time collaboration between stakeholders.

Business Benefits

  • Real-time decoding of integrated data from all sources for faster decision-making

  • 360-degree competitive view

Self Service Capabilities

Self-service Capabilities

An extensive KPI library across data sources empowers organizations to take speedy, smart and data-enabled actions.

Business Benefits

  • Faster deployment of industry-standard metrics for smarter decision-making

  • User-friendly and interactive dashboards, self-serve analytics and collaboration

AI-driven Contextualization

AI-driven Contextualization

This provides the right contextualization of data specific to industry to achieve a competitive edge.

Business Benefits

  • Contextual understanding of data to uncover hidden anomalies, problems and opportunities

  • Smarter decisions for improved topline and bottom-line performance

Versatile Subscription

Versatile Subscription and Module-based Pricing Options

Choose from our flexible pricing options to align with your business needs.

Business Benefits

  • High performance at optimized costs